Travel Industry Content Writers
Human Creative Content For Humans Traveling
This is a blog with a little of everything. Of course I will talk about content writing, and English grammar and history, and probably a little about art.
Languages are more than just words; they are codes that reflect the cultures, histories, and needs of the people who speak them. English and Spanish, for instance, are two of
Languages are more than just words; they are codes that reflect the cultures, histories, and needs of the people who speak them. English and Spanish, for instance, are two of
Costa Rica in April, your Terranova insider\’s Guide.
Costa Rica in April is sunny and full of colors. Many trees bloom, and the jacarandas compete with the Pink Puis to turn the Central Valley into a glorious painting. The country boasts its beauty in this month more than
Silence, the ultimate frontier.
Speech eventually has nothing more to tell us: we investigate the silence, for it is the silence that is doing the speaking ~Pierre Macherey. I am not a religious person. My mother would take me to the movies instead of
Corcovado or Tortuguero? What\’s best?
Corcovado or Tortuguero? A hard choice if you don\’t have the time to do both. Both are stunning rainforests and offer abundant wildlife. Both are hot and humid and it really depends on some conditions on you to enjoy more
A \”strong woman\” (An answer to a ridiculous text)
A few days ago I published on my Facebook wall a post about how \”the strong woman\” puts up with everything and nobody thinks about her and her needs (In a nutshell). And I put that it is necessary to
Walk by yourself in the rainforest of Monteverde at least once!
Walk by yourself in the rainforest of Monteverde, at least once! It may change your life and the way you see solitude forever. You may even become an addict to it. Like I am. Walking alone in nature is an
Labeling, our favorite prison
We are in the era of labels. Labeling is a fashionable sport. The “trend”. Hashtags up and down, hashtags with which we enclose and limit ourselves. Hashtags to make dark and bitter worlds. Hashtags to laugh and to cry. Nahual
O. una identidad hecha para volar
Durante muchos años tuve miedo de brillar y miedo de no brillar… Como todo el mundo, supongo. Sin embargo, mi personalidad es bastante fuerte y me resulta difícil pasar desapercibida. Así que, en este péndulo de miedos, me reprimí mucho
O. an identity created to fly
For many years I was afraid of shinning and afraid of not shinning… Like everyone else, I guess. However, my personality is quite strong, and it is hard for me to keep a low profile. So, in this pendulum of
Uber en Costa Rica
Uber en Costa Rica es bastante fuerte y una alternativa confiable para el transporte. Por supuesto, tiene sus pros y contras, pero sobre todo, ha hecho las cosas más fáciles para los viajeros. Uber en Costa Rica podría ser la
La maternidad en los tiempos del COVID-19. Ideas para sobrevivirla
La maternidad no es cosa fácil. Más aún cuando todos los chicos están en casa, tenés trabajo que hacer, un jefe que está esperando resultados y te balanceás frágilmente entre la culpa de no ser buena madre y el miedo
¿Qué pasa con las fantasías? (Reflexiones sobre Un Curso de Milagros)
Las fantasías según Un Curso de MIlagros son nuestro vano intento de cambiar la Realidad. Como cualquier otra ilusión nos alejan de nuestro momento presente, y como una droga, nos causan un alivio temporal a un dolor que no queremos
Salgámonos del closet, de una vez.
Resulta que un día aprendí a hablar y no me callé nunca. Hablar tanto siempre me generó muchísima culpa. Juro que si. Como si sentir culpa acallara un poco a la que yo llamaba “la lora” en mi. Sin importar