Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeBlogIs this really a blog about Costa Rican art?

Is this really a blog about Costa Rican art?

One post a day about Costa Rican art. That is my commitment. I am not going to write about the usual Costa Rican art (It is a cool keyword, sorry!) but I will write about my Costa Rican art, and some people I know that create wonderful stuff.

Iggy Stardust - Private Collection.
Iggy Stardust – Private Collection.

I will write an opinion about something, I guess. A reflection about something that may have happened.

I don’t think I am going to write much about Costa Rican art. I don’t know anything about it!

Oh! But I do know about my Costa Rican art. At the very least, the experience.

This Costa Rican art form is unquestionably a great teacher and an unforgettable experience. Each painting has a book within it. Some of them I hear while painting. Some you’ll hear as you look at them.

Fish 59 - Costa Rican Art
Fish 59 – Costa Rican Art

So, here are my reasons for writing the blog:

First Reason

Second Reason

Third Reason

Fourth Reason

First reason to write the blog about Costa Rican Art:

So, I am going to start this blog by saying the reason why I am committed to one post a day from today to… Tomorrow? Maybe? I’ll try it for a month.

Can I write thirty posts? short and concise, over 300 words, so that saint google may have some pity on me and bring something from my website to the public eye? Yeah, I think so.

That is the obvious reason.

There is a second reason:

This one is much more valid than the first one, although without the first one, the second one disappears.

The second reason is easy. Someone may need a written word as salvation, and I may be writing it right now.

We are one… And time and space are just beliefs of the surviving mind. Remember?

There is a third reason:

Aside from my words appearing in the Google search engine and having whatever significance they may or may not have, there is an unavoidable third reason:

I want to share other people’s artwork! There is so much talent everywhere!

And I’m sure that the different things we think we’ve done and seen are all connected to our deeper selves.

So, if I can give artists a platform to put their artwork somewhere, I will.

So! There! Three reasons! More than three hundred words.

Am I done here?

Yeah, I thought so.

Caves 22 - Costa Rican Art
Caves 22 – Costa Rican Art

There is, of course, a fourth reason:

There is a character in Rugrats that reminds me so much of myself! Her name, I think, was Elvira. She was a despot. She had such a need for validation that she assailed with “love” everything that was close to her.

No, I don’t think I am that extreme (although I was in a couple of my past lives).

But I deeply and completely believe that, whatever God may be, It Is the ultimate communication experience. And I need that more than I need air.

It is a hard thing to explain, but at the end, I guess that is what this blog is all about: I have two questions: What am I? What is God?

That’s the fourth reason. I will use this blog to ramble with questions and answers about what God is probably not and what is definitely not.

And while I am writing to you about it, I will write to myself, as it usually happens, and that way we will all learn.

That is a sufficient reason.

Thank you for reading.

Colors - Private CDMX Collection - Costa Rican Art
Colors – Private CDMX Collection – Costa Rican Art

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